
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Adult B'nai Mitzah

It is now just after Rosh Hashanah and I started thinking about this new year and my plans for this year. This past year I finished a degree in my secular education. I received my Masters in Sociology. I realize now that I must have a strong desire to learn because now I have decided to focus my attention on my Jewish Education.

A few weeks ago I talked to my Rabbi Joshua Lesser, actually this conversation took place over a workout session, he and I share a love of weight training. Anyway, I told him that I wanted to an adult Bat Mitzvah. And from that conversation I took it upon myself to see if there were any others that wanted to take the plunge with me and go on this wonderful Journey.

Now we have a minyan and we will soon be on our way to Congregation Bet Haverim's first Adult B'nai Mitzvah class. Stay tuned for more details because I planned to continue blogging this journey.

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