
Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Tell Bush to meet with Cindy

Visit Cindy Sheehan at her website

Sign the petition to tell Bush to meet with her. If you don't know who she is. Where have you been.

Here is a brief update:

She has gotten the attention of the Bush White House and just about every news agency.
New York Times , Washington Post

Basically she is an angry mother of a fallen U.S. soldier. She is staging a very effective protest against the war in Iraq. She is protesting outside President Bush's ranch, in Crawford Texas, and demanding to talk to him. She wants to know " Mr. President why did you kill my son? What did my son die for?"

So far, Sheehan has not spoken to Bush (although she did meet with him shortly after her son was killed) but has talked with the national security adviser Steve Hadley and deputy White House chief of staff Joe Hagin.

Tell Bush to Meet with Cindy!!!

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